Welcome to the RXXI Conference 2026!
Dear Friends of Recovery,
For four decades, the Recovery of Biological Products Conference Series has been acknowledged as the leading international forum for the presentation and discussion of new insights and advances in the purification of biological products. We, as co-chairs of the next conference, Recovery of Biological Products XXI (RXXI), have been busy at work to continue this history, leaning into our core values of scientific excellence, novel presentations and opportunities for networking to foster collaborations, exchange of ideas, and building community. We hope you are eager to participate in RXXI and are pleased to announce the location and date:
April 19-24, 2026 at El Conquistador Resort and Conference Center in Puerto Rico.

Perched on a 300-foot cliff in Fajardo, Puerto Rico, El Conquistador offers an exceptional conference experience with impressive meeting spaces, modern event facilities, and engaging common areas that foster discussions and idea exchanges in an unforgettable setting. The RXXI program will also provide opportunities to explore nearby cultural and natural attractions. Puerto Rico is an important hub of biomanufacturing and have easy flight connections from many major cities in the United States. In brief, this setting promises both excellent meeting and recreational opportunities.
We encourage you to mark your calendar for April 2026 and to start thinking about how best to share your novel accomplishments with your colleagues at the conference. We will be in touch soon to ask for your help as presenters, session chairs, facilitators and sponsors.
The RXXI Co-Chairs,
Todd Przybycien

Sanchayita Ghose

Hanne Bak

About the Recovery Conference Series
The Recovery of Biological Products Conference Series is the premier international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in the operations used to recover biological products of therapeutic, diagnostic and industrial value to society. An invitation-only biennial event, the Conference Series provides delegates with a clear and comprehensive understanding of the status and direction of this fast-moving field.
Sponsored by the American Chemical Society, Division of Biochemical Technology (BIOT), this international conference provides exposure to the latest developments in bioprocessing with a focus on downstream processing and aspects that affect the downstream steps. Unparalleled opportunities to network with industry leaders are a key feature of the conference. The size, venue and schedule of the meeting are specifically designed to provide multiple opportunities for discussion and development of new areas and concepts relating to the separation, purification and efficient processing of biological products. The Conference Series is a Not-for-Profit 501(c) (3) organization.